So why are you stuck?
What happened to the person that...
- could not wait to start his/her new life?
- got stuck in a career that does not suit him/her?
- suddenly lost his/her job?
No one told you about what you were going to
Realizing you studied a degree chosen by your parents but that
you actually do not care about
Years and years of
- doors slamming in your face,
- being stepped over for promotions,
- loosing to big mouths and incompetents
Being on the short end of a restructuring or an economic plan
We often tolerate the pain of feeling stuck, unhappy and
unfulfilled in our work, because we
- do not know WHAT to do or even HOW to do it, or
we got so used to our situation that it seems too much of an
effort to even start on this journey
So that you can RELEASE your inner
POTENTIAL and reinvent your career.