MyersBriggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
The MBTI is the most widely used
self-awareness assessment based on Carl Jung’s theory of
psychological types. Backed up with over 70 years of
research and development, it helps people gain insights about
themselves, how they interact with others and improve how they
communicate, learn and work. It provides a powerful framework
for building better relationships, driving positive change,
harnessing innovation, and achieving excellence.
In a Career Coaching context the MBTI can be used to gain a
clearer understanding of your own needs and preferences. This
can help you identify more clearly the critical factors that
will determine how satisfying a future option is likely to be.
It will help you ask the right questions about possible career
Investment: 90 € per hour + price of report selected
PERF ECHO and PERF ORIENT from PerformanSe
The behavioral skills assessment tools of
PerformanSe are based on the “Big Five” model
which describes personality in terms of five factors. It also
incorporates the analysis of motivations, pivotal in determining
PERF ECHO assesses your resources and
behavioral dynamics, principally by studying your personality
traits, skills, motivations and values. It analyzes your
strengths and weaknesses in relation to 6 standardized sections
(first impressions, activity, sociability, relationship with
line management, reaction to stress, work environment)
PERF ORIENT has been especially designed
to help structure and stimulate mobility and career projection
processes. It can be used as part of a skills assessment or for
career guidance and helps identify your strengths, areas for
improvement and motivations in relation to 8 major professional
activities (administration, reasoning, conception, creation,
exchange, supervision, management and production) and to focus
on an optimum professional environment.
Investment: 90 € per hour + price of report selected
The self assessment is a paper based assessment to fill out
before the session. Please allow sufficient time for reflection
and response.
You will explore your values, interests, motivations, skills as
well as explore your actual and desired work environment
and what you actually want and need at your current/future job.
You will start setting up a plan on how to achieve your ideal
Investment: 90 € per hour + 50 € self
This option, although not necessary, is the most complete of the
Investment: 90 € per hour + price of report selected